Casino – The Darker Side of Las Vegas


Casino is a film that exposes the darker side of Las Vegas, revealing how organized crime has dominated the city in the past and how it continues to thrive. Many movies about Vegas only touch on the glitz and glamour, but Casino goes deeper, showing the criminal underbelly that lies beneath all the neon signs and opulent gambling tables.

Like any business, casinos are run with profit in mind. The more people stay and gamble, the more money a casino makes. This is why casinos offer a variety of free goods and services to their guests, including food, drinks, hotel rooms, transportation, and shows. These rewards are called comps. Casinos also employ security to keep gamblers safe from each other and the mobster thugs that operate in their shadows.

Something about casinos attracts people to cheat, steal and scam their way into winning. Perhaps it is the large amounts of money that are involved or the fact that winning a jackpot requires some degree of skill. Whatever the reason, casinos spend a lot of time and money on security, which begins on the casino floor where dealers have their eyes constantly peeled for blatant palming, marking, or switching cards or dice. Pit bosses and table managers have a wider view of the action, watching for betting patterns that indicate cheating or collusion.

Casinos also depend on the local community for tax revenues. The tax dollars from legalized gambling provide much needed revenue for cities in need of infrastructure projects or public services. This is why casinos often sponsor charity events and give back to their neighbors. They want to be seen as a good corporate citizen, as well as a place that people can go to have fun and try their luck at gambling.

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